Kamchatka Brown Bear (2011)
ZOO Brno has a new exposition with two Kamchatka Brown Bear - male and female Jelizar and Kamchatka. They have big "natural" swiming pool and large forest - close the visitors, without glass or cages. Amazing experience!
Kamchatka Brown Bear is largest Eurasian terrestrial predator. The land has no natural enemies except man. For humans, however, is generally not dangerous and only 1% of meetings ends by attack. He likes the water and swim well, in the run can reach speeds of up to 45 km / hr. Like other bears neither Kamchatka Brown Bear developed mimic muscles. From his expression it can not tell if he will attack or not. (Source: Zoo Brno)
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Keywords: ZOO, Brno, Ursus arctos beringianus, voda, water, ryba, fish, hraní, playing Partners | Statistics